Solutions for our Community

United Leadership
Our nation remains politically divided, and few politicians are trying to bridge across those divides. Yet, there are more reasons to unite today than ever. We face economic hardships, a disappearing middle class, increasing medical costs, crumbling infrastructure, and global conflicts and tensions.
We are all Americans and fellow citizens. Throughout our nation's history, we have pulled together in times of need. We have stared adversity in the eye and adversity blinked. We have fought domestic and foreign enemies. We have recovered from depressions and recessions. We have overcome tyrants. We have built programs that help our neighbors and our friends in times of need. We have built a nation on the values of truth, justice, and equality for all. A beacon of democracy.
Yet today, political pundits and party leaders try to drive wedges between us. Let those who try to divide us know that never in our history have these attempts succeeded long-term. But short term, we feel the infighting between friends and family and face the dark days of a country divided. Meanwhile the true enemies of democracy push bad policy while we are distracted.
Where there are gaps big enough for a wedge, we have bridges to build. Our civic duty, our shared nationality, our shared compassion and empathy towards our fellow citizens call for us to defeat fear and hatred. Together we can find common ground and build a Missouri founded in our values, not our fears or misunderstandings. We can build a Missouri to make our children and their children proud.